OIFE Youth Event 2018

Geplaatst op 02-05-2018  -  Categorie: Algemeen  -  Auteur: Ingunn Westerheim

Registration for OIFE Youth Event 2018 is open: https://bit.ly/2Kt9lwM.

The OIFE Youth event will take place from 24.-28. October 2018 in Aarhus, Denmark.

The goals of the OIFE Youth Event are:

  • sharing experience & ideas across borders
  • networking and getting to know young people with OI in other countries 
  • social activities and fun 
  • to create awareness about OIFE to young people in Europe

Target group: People with OI age 16-35 from European countries

The deadline for pre-registration is June 15th.


Participant fee: 135 EUR

Venue: Pindstrup Centret - http://www.pindstrupcentret.dk/

Questions? Please send any questions you might have regarding registrations to e-mail: tnevehtuoyefio.[antispam].@gmail.com



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2000 AK Haarlem